Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Work or Kids ??

Well, being a working mother of a 11 month old kid, i'm in a big dilemma whether to continue working or quit the job to take care of my kid...I love to work...I love coding...I love analysing problems...When working at office, I forget the outside world..the sense of accomplishment that I feel at the end of the day makes me happy....Adding to this, I'm financially independant...But, all these ...are these worth my kid ?? Definitely no...had if i'm there at home all through the day, I could have taken better care of him...I do bathe him, feed him, play with him... I miss all those...I know that I'm missing all those, but i'm not that dare enough to quit the job...

Hello World !!

I welcome myself to the world of blogging...stupid naa...well, I am..

Before the event..

Wednesday, 3d Jan, 11:00pm I just came back from 'flash mob' practice, which we intend to perform in the upcoming family day event i...